After 7 years of gaming and the past 3.5 being on Xbox I have seen it all. For example, if I decide to go into game chat while playing a game like CoD(Call of Duty) I can expect the following.. First, there are always those guys who are like, "Are you a little boy?" Since they mean no harm I simply answer, "no". But when they think that I'm lying and try to question the validity of my gender I mute them. I don't have the time to prove I am a female to some stranger. Once that's over with these people surface.. I either recieve messages saying, "Hey beautiful" or messages like, "I bet your fat and ugly". I ignore both. Even though "Hey beautiful" is a flattering compliment, the only reason this guy (who has never seen you) is saying this is because he wants you to add him and based on the amount of those messages girls recieve they don't have time for another friend who might eventually turn into a creeper. The other rude message is ignored as well because ,in my case, it's untrue and even if it was true that's a rude thing to say. After these people, girls can expect to get a couple of messages saying, "show me your boobs" or even worse, "can you send me a pic ?". NO, No, and no. Those messages are dumb and make the guy sound desperate. Once you settle into a lobby with a lot of people who have mics then, as a girl, you may notice that your gameplay is being carefully examined. Say you're having an off day or maybe you aren't that good. You can bet whoever is criticising you is gonna use your gameplay to represent the female gaming population. So, if you hear someone say, "see this is why girls shouldn't play" or "all girls suck at games like this, go play barbie unicorn land" then mute them because they are ignorant and/or put on your try hard panties and whip their a** so they'll shut up. However girls, do not be discouraged if you just start and are having a tough time dealing with guys online, the controls, or even the lingo. It'll all come to you the more you play. I also wanna warn any girls who are thinking about playing video games that gaming is addicting but so much fun. I'll highlight some basic things so you'll start off prepared..

ONE Remember that guys talk differently than girls do. I'd say apply this famous saying, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen" just switch the words around to, "If you can't stand the trash talking, stay off online multiplayer".. Dosent sound as nice as the original but it's meaning is just as accurate. WhiteBoy7thst has some trolling videos so click here if you want to see some harmless trash talking. But guys have a bit more respect than to do this to girls (for the most part) so I don't thiink this'll happen to you. 

TWO Never give up, especially when it comes to FPS (first-person shooters) like Call of Duty, Battlefield, or Halo. It is very difficult to learn how to handle controls in games like that. I myself am a drop-shotter here is a vid that'll help you to see what it is and how to do it. But my definition of drop shotting would be going prone while in combat. To do this you need to switch your controller layout to tactical. This is very helpful and trips a lot of people up. (If you think this is cheesy it's either because you can't do it or you don't know how to aim down and shoot when someone when they drop shot.) It'll make you look experienced as well.

THREE Balance. If you play CoD until the point where you are about to break everything you own.. Maybe you should take a break and play Fortress Craft or watch some YouTube. If you wanna get good, trying to force yourself to play might not be the best way to go. Trust me if it's CoD you are playing, then there will always be someone on so don't use the excuse that no one will be playing later.
FOUR Play the games you like. If you find that online multiplayer isn't your thing, it doesn't make you any less of a gamer if you would rather play an RPG (Role-playing game) or the same game but in campaign mode (aka story mode, the offline piece that almost every game comes with). A few great games if you don't want to play online are Skyrim, The Sims, Minecraft, any campaign mode. What you play is up to you.

There are so many tips I can give you and I will try to name them all in later posts. Lastly, here is a list of helpful gamer lingo/jargon:

AFK: away from keyboard (or controller)   AI: artificail intelligence (like Siri)
Beta: a public test version   Boss: significant enemy that can advance you to the next level   Clan: a group of players that play regularly   Co-op: players working together to achieve a task   Easter Egg: Hidden bonuses   Experience Points (XP, EXP): reward from completing a task   Frag: a grenade   GG: good game   Griefers: players who intentionally cause havoc or grief (beware of these in minecraft)   Hack: to modify game code to behave differently   HUD: heads up display   Lag: breif network interruption   Level Up (Lvl Up): move up in rank or status   Loot: items stollen or collected in game environment   MMO: massive multiplayer online   Mob: non playable character that can be killed for EXP or items   Noob (n00b, Newb, Nubb): an inexperienced player   NPC: Non playable character that is computer controlled   Open World: type of game where players can roam freely or more freely than typical games   Own (pwn): humilating someone through gaming   Party: (xbox definition) a voice chat feature letting you talk to up to 8 people at once (general definition) a group of players working together   Platformer: a type of game (like Super Mario Bros)   Power Up: Object collected that enhances abilities   PS3: Play Station 3   PVP: Player Vs Player   PVE: Player VS Environment   Quest: A task given that usually yeilds a reward   RPG: (game type) Role Playing Game (weapon) Rocket-Propelled Grenade   Sandbox:   Open world that allows players freedom to play creatively   Skin: outward appearance of character or object   Strategy: decision making skills that have a high impact on gameplay/ outcome   Stealth: avoiding detection rather than fast-pace action and shooting   Tank: character who absorbs damage to protect others   Third Person: when a player is viewing the character they are playing as

I hope this giant list of lingo and the tips above help you to become a great gamer or be even better than you are now.. If that's possible.

Leave a comment telling me your opinion of female gamers       
Okay. I'm at the library working on the site while watching YouTube (duh). Everyone is staring at me. Why you ask, because I just literally uncontrollably laughed in dead silence. Alright, so here is how it all happened.. I've always thought Tobuscus was a bit cheesy but I have always kept him on my radar. But today I decided to give his channel a shot and if you click here this is the direct video that converted me to a subscriber. And if you know my YouTube personality type, I'm not easy to click "Subscribe". To be honest, I didn't finish the video yet because I needed a break before I start crying (of laughter). As soon as I get to a computer with photoshop I'm making his profile in the YouTuber Profile Page. I hope the video appeals to your sense of humor as much as it did for me.
I just started hooping the 20th of April. I first saw this video of Lisa Lottie (the girl on the far right). I have always been a great hula hooper and I could already do tricks. But I had never danced like this before. I watched some tutorials from these two youtubers (click on the link to see some tutorials that really helped me): hoopsmiles and Deanne Lovexx. After watching that I realized I was using terrible hoops. So, after some chores and what not I convinced my mom to buy me the hula hoop below. It's a great hula hoop but I'd suggest starting witha little bit bigger one (in diameter) because it's easier to do tricks. Hooping is so fun, its a great workout too. I suggest hooping for EVERYONE. Think I'm lying watch this video (same as first link). I got my hoop from this website.
I can't get enough of the things I love, you could say I'm obsessed with a few things, YouTube being one of the top. But I really love human barbies. These are my fave 4...
The first is my favorite !! Her name is Anzhelika Kenova and she is from Russia. The second is just as beautiful to me as the first but she refuses to admit to having plastic surgery, so she falls to 2nd place. I still love her though. Her name is Valeria Lukyanova and she is from Ukraine. The 3rd is Anastasiya Shpagina, she is from Ukraine as well. I love her because she has that anime touch. I'm not into anime much but she does it so well. Lastly, that's KotaKoti, or Dakota Rose, from (I believe) Tokyo, Japan. She is my age and she is so beautiful.