This is old news but it's for anyone who doesn't know what happened (or if you don't know many details). It all started when WhiteBoy mentioned in a video (I'll add the link later) that he was going out of town. Some hater(s) saw that video and decided to rob him. The robber(s) got in through a window in his house and trashed it. They stole his playstation, a nice tv, some money around 50 bucks. But that is not the worst that they did. You may or may not know, but both of WhiteBoy's parents are deceased. He has a shrine in his house with pictures and ashes. The robber(s) commited one of the lowest possible acts, messing with someone's memorial. They trashed the shrine and this was by far the worst part of this whole crime. In the video Cribs: Robbery Edition he showed what was stolen and the mess the robber(s) made. He broke down crying on camera because messing with the shrine was such a cruel act. That was also his first time seeing the damage that was done to the shrine. It meant so much to him. He ended the video by talking directly to the camera daring the people who did this to come back (so he could f*** them up). Luckily with all the support from WhiteBoy's fans and even people who don't watch him; he bounced back and was his normal, epic, and funny self again.

When I finished watching the video I had tears in my eyes because messing with a memorial is so low. I have lost 4 family members in the past 2 years and I cannot imagine anyone purposely altering or damaging the things I hold sacred that remind me of my lost loved ones.

If you read some talk on the internet it's ridiculous, the accusations and rude comments people aim towards WhiteBoy.. Such as, "I hate to be a cynic but it seems a lil bit forced/faked" on
cod247 and "I don't pay attention to attention whores." on blackwaterops. Seriously, I understand there are haters but this is such a terrible thing for anyone to have to go through. All haters aside, it's great that there was so much support to help White Boy bounce back. 

What do you think, is WhiteBoy being too dramatic by crying on camera ?    Leave a Comment Below !!