After a long hiatus in LA, Pewdie had to go to Singapore to recieve an award, he's finnaly back now. Click here to watch the vlog he made there. If you pay attention to the architecture in Singapore it's crazy. The buildings are designed in a YOLO fashion and the pool Pewdiepie and Cutiepie visit is out of this world. But enough about the amazing architecture.. Pewdiepie is not the only one to have a vlog though. His girlfriend, cutiepiemarzia also has a vlog. If you want to see that one click here. Since Pewds has been back he has gone back to posting a ton of videos although it never seems to be enough. ): Out of all the ones he posted so far I'd recommend watching the new Happy Wheels or the Swing Soccer the most, although they all are worth the view. If you havent watched the Happy Wheels series go to his playlists right now !! And for anyone who has seen the series this is great because I know we have all been waiting. Make sure you leave a like on his happy wheels video so he'll hopefully make more. Check out his other videos too !! Leave a comment telling me your favorite previous happy wheels episode !!
Attention, all singapore bros, pewds is in the house !! But for the rest of us he'll be gone from monday (yesterday) to friday. He apologized too for the lack of videos he's gonna deliver this week. He also mentioned that where he is staying the internet is bad. He said it took "12 hours to upload a video.. in Sweden it took [him] 12 minutes." He has a few videos scheduled but not many. When he has proper internet pewds said he'll "get back with 2 or 3 videos a day at least." If you follow him on twitter you'll read a lot of "angry rants". Hoping Pewds has a fun, safe trip. Remember as much as we need our daily brofists, Pewds is only human. Can't wait for him to get back tho but I know he'll justify the wait somehow. To watch the video where all this is said click here.
Hey anyone already in love with Pewdiepie or seeing if Pewdie is right for you... Have a look at this video !! It's hilarious. I can't think of another YouTuber who could've done this better. Since Pewdie has that sarcastic humor and those amazing anti-direction following skills, this half-life 2 mod playthrough is perfect for him !! It is hands down hilarious and is also a great game. There is part 1 and 2. Part 3 should be out around now, hopefully it comes out tonight. (I'm only putting the 1st video here but the link for the 2nd is found below.) Enjoy !!    
If you enjoyed the above, which I know you did.. Have a look at Part 2
I started this just to play f****ng video games and here I am, like, going
 across L.A. to do different stuff. 
Finally !! After a month of being in L.A. Pewdiepie and CutiepieMarzia (pewdiepie's girlfriend) are back in Italy. While in the States they shopped, met and hung out with popular American YouTubers, and ran errands such as "going to take pictures for a photoshoot". At last, Fabulos Pewdie's dreams of becoming a professional model come true !! Just kidding he goes to take pictures for the new Pewdiepie merchandise he is selling. Shop online for some bro apparel today!! :
 (for US bros) (for EU bros)