Attention, all singapore bros, pewds is in the house !! But for the rest of us he'll be gone from monday (yesterday) to friday. He apologized too for the lack of videos he's gonna deliver this week. He also mentioned that where he is staying the internet is bad. He said it took "12 hours to upload a video.. in Sweden it took [him] 12 minutes." He has a few videos scheduled but not many. When he has proper internet pewds said he'll "get back with 2 or 3 videos a day at least." If you follow him on twitter you'll read a lot of "angry rants". Hoping Pewds has a fun, safe trip. Remember as much as we need our daily brofists, Pewds is only human. Can't wait for him to get back tho but I know he'll justify the wait somehow. To watch the video where all this is said click here.

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